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IPv4-only RIPE Atlas Anchors Now Supported

IPv4-only RIPE Atlas Anchors Now Supported

Suzanne Taylor

2 min read

Until now, native IPv4 and IPv6 has been one of the conditions of hosting a RIPE Atlas anchor. However, we realise that IPv6 simply isn't available in some would-be anchor hosts' ASNs. As a result, we've decided to support IPv4-only anchors.

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Detecting IXPs in Traceroute Paths Using traIXroute

Detecting IXPs in Traceroute Paths Using traIXroute

George Nomikos

8 min read

traIXroute is a tool that detects whether and where a traceroute path crosses an Internet Exchange Point (IXP). It uses data from multiple sources and advanced criteria to verify IXP crossings to deal with problems due to replies from third-party interfaces or inaccuracies in the available data abo…

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DNS Privacy

DNS Privacy

Geoff Huston

16 min read

The DNS is normally a relatively open protocol that smears its data (which is your data and mine too!) far and wide. Little wonder that the DNS is used in many ways, not just as a mundane name resolution protocol, but as a data channel for surveillance and as a common means of implementing various …

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Operator Level DNS Hijacking

Operator Level DNS Hijacking

Babak Farrokhi

3 min read

Following my recent research on DNS hijacking and the cases I have personally observed, I wondered whether this is a common practice among the operators. With the help of RIPE Atlas, I started to think of a solution to figure out whether such practice is widespread in other areas of the world.

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Can You Make IPv6 Work Commercially?

Can You Make IPv6 Work Commercially?

Marco Hogewoning

6 min read

Large scale IPv6 deployments suggest that IPv6 is at least a technical success - the technology works. Now it's time to visit the other important question: does it work commercially? Does IPv6 really come with a positive business case? We are about to find out, if you help us... (for instance by f…

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Is Your ISP Hijacking Your DNS Traffic?

Is Your ISP Hijacking Your DNS Traffic?

Babak Farrokhi

3 min read

You might not have noticed, but there are chances that your ISP is playing nasty tricks with your DNS traffic.

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Scaling the Internet of Things? Not a Problem!

Scaling the Internet of Things? Not a Problem!

Shane Kerr

11 min read

What makes the Internet of Things (IoT) different from the Internet as we know it? Today's Internet connects people, while the Internet of Things connects... things. What are these things? In the case of IoT, it means embedded computer chips that are attached to some physical device with networking…

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Securing Network Infrastructure for DNS Servers

Securing Network Infrastructure for DNS Servers

Ramtin Kiaei

15 min read

In this article, I'm showing how we can mitigate DNS attacks by implementing a stateless firewall filter at the aggregation or edge router.

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K-root Reachability in the Middle East and Central Asia

K-root Reachability in the Middle East and Central Asia

Babak Farrokhi

6 min read

There are about 600 DNS root server instances deployed around the world. But does everyone have an equal level of access to a root server in their region? Are they fairly distributed? Do all major (and country level) network operators recognise the value in deploying (or peering with) a root server…

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Reducing the BGP Table Size - A Fairy Tale

Reducing the BGP Table Size - A Fairy Tale

George Michaelson

11 min read

The issue of the relative sizes of the IPv4 and IPv6 Internet in BGP came up during discussion at the APNIC/APRICOT meeting held in Auckland, New Zealand earlier this year.

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