Giovane Moura

Easy RIPE Atlas Data Analysis with SQL

Giovane Moura
Contributors: Andra Ionescu

27 min read


Not a big fan of pandas dataframe syntax? Prefer to use SQL? Then suffer no more! In this detailed, step-by-step guide using RIPE Atlas public data, find out how DuckDB allows you to use SQL without any DB server on a Jupyter Notebook.

Say, which one of these two code snippets do you find more intelligible?

This Pandas Dataframe:

filtered_df = df[df['rdata'].str.match(r'b\d-[A-Za-z]{3}', na=False)]

result = filtered_df.groupby('rdata').agg({'rt': 'mean', 'rdata': 'size'}).rename(columns={'rdata': 'responses'}).reset_index()

Or this DuckDB syntax

select rdata,avg(rt),count(1) as responses from atlas where 
    rdata ~ 'b[0-9]-[A-Za-z]{3}'
    AND rdata IS NOT NULL
    group by rdata

If you like SQL more and are often confused or irritated by pandas dataframe syntax, suffer no more! You can use SQL instead without any DB server on a Jupyter Notebook. And it's fast.

Here, we want to showcase DuckDB, an open-source database that can be used for RIPE Atlas measurement analysis (or any data analysis).

DuckDB is:

  • Fully integrated with Python, Jupyter, and Pandas (so you can import and export from and to)
  • Allows SQL execution on data
  • An in-memory database
  • Severless
  • Open-source
  • More info:

Goals of this post

  1. Demonstrate how to use duckdb as an alternative to Pandas for data analysis, featuring public RIPE Atlas data
  2. Compare the syntax of duckdb with that of Pandas through simple examples
  3. Provide helpful starting points for beginners exploring RIPE Atlas datasets

The inspiration for this post came from working with duckdb in a joint peer-reviewed paper and also from seeing that students at TU Delft were glad to switch to SQL for data analysis once they started using duckdb.

Pandas vs DuckDB

Part 1: Data preparation

#setting the measurements we will analyse

#b-root atlas measurements, `chaos queries`, 15min 
# see more on for more on these measurements


#Altas probes metadata, daily compiled
#import python libraries
import pandas as pd
import json
import duckdb
import requests
import bz2
from io import BytesIO

Part 1a: Import RIPE Atlas measurements

We are going to present two ways of import JSON data to DuckDB:

  • One-liner
  • Step-by-step

You can pick each one you prefer - one liner is a bit more complex

One-liner import

In this complex SQL query, we do the following:

  • Read all the measurements under data with a CTE
WITH data AS (SELECT unnest(result), *
 FROM read_json($file_name)
  • Read the JSON from RIPE Atlas measurements with read_json($file_name)
  • Unnest the json object under result woth unnest(result)
SELECT *, unnest(coalesce(answers, [NULL])) as ans 
FROM data
  • Use it in a FROM statement to extract the rdata
SELECT prb_id, timestamp, src_addr, rt, regexp_extract(ans.rdata, '\\[\"(.*)\"\\]', 1) as rdata FROM ( 
   SELECT *, unnest(coalesce(answers, [NULL])) as ans 
   FROM data 
  • Package everything under CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE atlas AS

Putting all this together, here's the query:

## one liner data import
#create a new database
con = duckdb.connect('ripe')
# SQL queries  
# this query crates a table name atlas, then, gets the b_root_measurements JSON file and performs a select on it
# it may be too complex, so we provide an alternative version below
query = con.sql(
      WITH data AS (
        SELECT unnest(result), *
        FROM read_json($file_name)
      SELECT prb_id, timestamp, src_addr, rt, regexp_extract(ans.rdata, '\\[\"(.*)\"\\]', 1) as rdata FROM (
        SELECT *, unnest(coalesce(answers, [NULL])) as ans
        FROM data
        "file_name": b_root_measurements
row_count = con.sql("SELECT count() AS row_count FROM atlas")
│ row_count │
│   int64   │
│     46016 │
select_one = con.sql("SELECT * FROM atlas LIMIT 5")
│ prb_id  │ timestamp  │    src_addr    │   rt   │  rdata  │
│  int64  │   int64    │    varchar     │ double │ varchar │
│ 1006359 │ 1730025150 │ │ 26.725 │ b3-ams  │
│ 1006359 │ 1730025389 │ │ 24.782 │ b3-ams  │
│ 1006359 │ 1730025631 │ │ 28.913 │ b3-ams  │
│ 1006359 │ 1730025871 │ │ 25.327 │ b3-ams  │
│ 1006154 │ 1730025174 │  │   4.15 │ b1-ams  │

Alternative: Step-by-step data import

# step-by-step data import -- easier to undertand

#sample data
{'fw': 5080,
 'mver': '2.6.2',
 'lts': 57,
 'dst_addr': '',
 'dst_port': '53',
 'af': 4,
 'src_addr': '',
 'proto': 'UDP',
 'result': {'rt': 26.725,
  'size': 50,
  'ID': 58920,
  'ANCOUNT': 1,
  'QDCOUNT': 1,
  'NSCOUNT': 0,
  'ARCOUNT': 0,
  'answers': [{'TYPE': 'TXT', 'NAME': 'hostname.bind', 'RDATA': ['b3-ams']}]},
 'msm_id': 10310,
 'prb_id': 1006359,
 'timestamp': 1730025150,
 'msm_name': 'Tdig',
 'from': '',
 'type': 'dns',
 'stored_timestamp': 1730025220}
# define a method to parse the data from the JSON file
# so we can add to a list and later import into a dataframe and a duckdb table

def extract_info(data):
    prb_id = data.get('prb_id')
    timestamp = data.get('timestamp')
    src_addr = data.get('src_addr')
    rt = data.get('result', {}).get('rt')
    answers = data.get('result', {}).get('answers', [{}])
    # Ensure 'answers' is a non-empty list and 'RDATA' is in the first item
    rdata = None
    if answers and 'RDATA' in answers[0]:
        rdata = answers[0]['RDATA'][0] if answers[0]['RDATA'] else 'None'

    return {
        'prb_id': prb_id,
        'timestamp': timestamp,
        'src_addr': src_addr,
        'rt': rt,
        'rdata': rdata
# now let' s parse the json and extract the fields we wish using extract_info
for k in b_root_data:
print('We have retrieved ', len(data), ' measurements from Ripe Atlas')

We have retrieved 46,016 measurements from Ripe Atlas.

# now let's import it to a df
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
#create a new database
# Drop the table if it exists, then create a new one and insert the DataFrame
# con.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS atlas") -- Not needed, as DuckDB has CREATE OR REPLACE 
con.execute("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE df_atlas (prb_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, src_addr TEXT, rt DOUBLE, rdata TEXT)")
con.execute("INSERT INTO df_atlas SELECT * FROM df")
result = con.sql("SELECT count() AS row_count FROM df_atlas").fetchone()
# Get the row count
row_count = result[0]
row_count_duckdb = con.sql("SELECT count(1) AS row_count FROM atlas")
│ row_count │
│   int64   │
│     46016 │
## Sanity check
print("dataset len is:\n\t", len(data))
print("df len is:\n\t", len(df))
print('duckdb table len is\n',row_count)
print('duckdb table len is\n',row_count_duckdb)

dataset len is: 46016
df len is: 46016
duckdb table len is 46016
duckdb table len is:

│ row_count │
│   int64   │
│     46016 │

So, in summary: to import JSON DNS from Ripe Atlas, you can use both methods. Next we move to import RIPE Atlas metadata.

Part 1b: Import Atlas Probes metadata

Just like we did for the DNS JSON data (b_root_measurements), we will import this data in two ways:

  • One-liner
  • Step-by-step

One-liner import

To automatically read the compressed data with DuckDB and create a table with it, we will use the community extension shellfs. The DuckDB Python API allows us to install an extension and load it.

Note: The default repository for the extensions is core. As shellfs is part of the community extensions, we have to indicate the repository when installing the extension.
# Let's use DuckDB Community Extensions to get the archive and uncompress

con.sql('INSTALL shellfs FROM community; ')

#if the above does not work you can try:
#con.install_extension("shellfs", repository="community")


probes_data = con.sql(
            SELECT * 
            FROM read_json("curl -s | bunzip2 -d | jq '.objects' |")

con.sql("SELECT * FROM probes LIMIT 5")
│  id   │   address_v4   │      address_v6      │ asn_v4 │ … │   day    │        probe         │ status_name │
│ int64 │    varchar     │       varchar        │ int64  │   │ varchar  │       varchar        │   varchar   │
│     1 │  │ 2a10:3781:e22:1:22…  │ 206238 │ … │ 20241027 │ https://atlas.ripe…  │ Connected   │
│     2 │ NULL           │ NULL                 │   1136 │ … │ 20241027 │ https://atlas.ripe…  │ Abandoned   │
│     3 │   │ 2a02:a467:f500:1:2…  │   1136 │ … │ 20241027 │ https://atlas.ripe…  │ Connected   │
│     4 │  │ 2001:980:57a4:1:22…  │   3265 │ … │ 20241027 │ https://atlas.ripe…  │ Abandoned   │
│     5 │ │ 2001:981:602b:1:22…  │   3265 │ … │ 20241027 │ https://atlas.ripe…  │ Abandoned   │
│ 5 rows                                                                                20 columns (7 shown) │
#let's create a probe list to create later a dataframe and a new table
## now we're going to download the probes metadata file
#ok, let's now get the probes metadata
# Download the file
response = requests.get(probes_file)
compressed_data = BytesIO(response.content)

# Decompress the data in memory
with bz2.BZ2File(compressed_data, 'rb') as file:
    probes = json.load(file)

with open("output.json", 'w') as file:
    json.dump(probes['objects'], file)

#print sample data


for k in probes['objects']:
#pandas df of probes

# now let's create  a duckdb table
# yeah, we use pandas for it :)

# Create a table and insert the DataFrame
con.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS df_prb")
con.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS probes AS SELECT * FROM df_prb")

# Verify the data in the DuckDB table
test_query =  con.sql("SELECT count(1) AS row_count FROM probes").fetchone()

# Get the row count
row_count_probes = test_query[0]
row_count_probes =  con.sql("SELECT count(1) AS row_count FROM probes").fetchone()
#sanity check

print("dataset len is:", len(probes['objects']))
print("df_prb len is:", len(df_prb))
print('duckdb table len is:',row_count_probes)

dataset len is: 42,365
df_prb len is 42,365
duckdb table len is: 42,365

Part 2: Data analysis

OK, so now we have two the same datasets (RIPE Atlas measurements and probes metadatata) stored in two different ways:

  • Pandas dataframes:
    • Measurements= df
    • probes's metadata= df_prb
  • Duckdb tables:
    • Measurements= atlas
    • probes's metadata= probes

Let's see how we can perform the same operations on both:

# let's start with how many queries we have
# let's compute the average RTT to each of the anycast server of b-root
# each site (each serfver location) is identified by the rdata field

# option 1: pandas

# Compute average rt for each rdata
average_rt = df.groupby('rdata')['rt'].mean().reset_index()

rdata          rt
0                                   DNS1    0.724500
1                                   DNS2    2.280000
2                                   DNS3    1.031000
3                          DNS_AF_NH3_01    4.687000
4                          DNS_AF_NH3_13    4.401000
5                          DNS_AF_NH3_15    4.119000
6                          DNS_AF_NTH_16    4.109000
7                                    NS1    1.195000
8                     OPNsense.local.lan    1.421500
9              0.464750
10                    OPNsense.zunie.lan    0.467750
11                           alliance-45    1.789000
12                                     b   65.556000
13                                b1-ams   36.861626
14                                b1-iad   53.347860
15                                b1-lax  122.322482
16                                b1-mia  127.123686
17                                b1-scl   25.029500
18                                b1-sin   70.835360
19                                b2-iad   54.859029
20                                b2-lax  108.799266
21                                b2-mia  127.405742
22                                b2-scl   25.383507
23                                b2-sin   72.801364
24                                b3-ams   35.842288
25                                b3-iad   58.851777
26                                b3-lax  113.668726
27                                b3-mia  114.486817
28                                b3-scl   20.429663
29                                b3-sin   80.070575
30                                b4-ams   36.690085
31                                b4-iad   51.383624
32                                b4-lax  118.287110
33                                b4-mia  135.760622
34                                b4-sin   78.729474
35          1.117636
36                             centralpi    1.205000
37                    dur-01-dns-cluster   33.576250
38                            elb-01-dns   35.105000
39                           g2sanfelipe    5.373000
40                           g3maracaibo    7.273500
41                  0.381250
42            0.917750
43                 localhost.localdomain   17.728750
44                              netlan-1    1.184250
45                                   ns1    2.947000
46                                   ns2    0.755333
47                 2.101000
48        1.065500
49    1.328000
50   14.814750
51                                proxy2    3.022500
52    453.884333
53    483.324000
54                 6.276250
55                            tir-02-dns  120.030333
56                                   tns    0.618750
57                1.410667

Dealing with bogus data

As shown above, there are many results, but let's filtered out the valid ones. Some DNS queires from Ripe Atlas clients are intercepted and hijacked, see Moura16b and Nosyk23a about it. This means we need to filter out the data.

We can do it by looking at the rdata strings. For B-ROOT, it has the follow format:

  • bn-ABC , where n is a integer and ABC is a three letter string, denoting Airport Code

So let's see how can we do this filtering in both Pandas and Duckdb

# Filter rows where rdata matches the pattern bn-ABC, with Pandas
filtered_df = df[df['rdata'].str.match(r'b\d-[A-Za-z]{3}', na=False)]

# Compute average rt and count for each rdata
result = filtered_df.groupby('rdata').agg({'rt': 'mean', 'rdata': 'size'}).rename(columns={'rdata': 'responses'}).reset_index()

rdata          rt  responses
0   b1-ams   36.861626       9645
1   b1-iad   53.347860       1645
2   b1-lax  122.322482        465
3   b1-mia  127.123686        497
4   b1-scl   25.029500         60
5   b1-sin   70.835360        780
6   b2-iad   54.859029       1717
7   b2-lax  108.799266        470
8   b2-mia  127.405742        528
9   b2-scl   25.383507        144
10  b2-sin   72.801364        758
11  b3-ams   35.842288       9659
12  b3-iad   58.851777       1961
13  b3-lax  113.668726        485
14  b3-mia  114.486817        491
15  b3-scl   20.429663         83
16  b3-sin   80.070575        737
17  b4-ams   36.690085       9602
18  b4-iad   51.383624       1848
19  b4-lax  118.287110        447
20  b4-mia  135.760622        556
21  b4-sin   78.729474        887
#Ok, so how would you do it in duckdb
select rdata,avg(rt),count(1) as responses from atlas where 
    rdata ~ 'b[0-9]-[A-Za-z]{3}'
    AND rdata IS NOT NULL
    group by rdata

│  rdata  │      avg(rt)       │ responses │
│ varchar │       double       │   int64   │
│ b1-ams  │  36.86162602384655 │      9645 │
│ b1-iad  │  53.34785957446813 │      1645 │
│ b3-mia  │ 114.48681670061107 │       491 │
│ b4-iad  │  51.38362391774902 │      1848 │
│ b2-iad  │  54.85902912055905 │      1717 │
│ b3-lax  │ 113.66872577319587 │       485 │
│ b1-sin  │  70.83536025641033 │       780 │
│ b4-lax  │ 118.28710961968663 │       447 │
│ b1-scl  │  25.02949999999999 │        60 │
│ b2-scl  │  25.38350694444445 │       144 │
│ b3-scl  │ 20.429662650602403 │        83 │
│ b3-ams  │  35.84228822859509 │      9659 │
│ b1-mia  │ 127.12368611670024 │       497 │
│ b2-lax  │ 108.79926595744679 │       470 │
│ b1-lax  │ 122.32248172043013 │       465 │
│ b2-sin  │  72.80136411609497 │       758 │
│ b2-mia  │ 127.40574242424246 │       528 │
│ b4-ams  │  36.69008508644033 │      9602 │
│ b3-iad  │  58.85177715451294 │      1961 │
│ b4-mia  │ 135.76062230215834 │       556 │
│ b3-sin  │   80.0705753052917 │       737 │
│ b4-sin  │   78.7294735062007 │       887 │
│ 22 rows                        3 columns │

I personally find the SQL syntax more readable. It's a matter of taste!

Part 3: Aggregation and visualisation

Shifting gears, the exercise now is to obtain the average RTT from the probes to B-ROOT, based on its country of origin. Note, however, that the country of origin is not on the results table, but on the probe metadata.

We need to join the results of two tables, so let's start with DuckDB:

''' We can do like this on SQL

* We join the tables on r.prb_id =, which is the Atlas probe ID
* We filter probes that reach B-ROOT servers by looking into `rdata` string
* We group by country_code

res = con.sql('''
        AVG(r.rt) AS avg_rt,
        COUNT(r.rt) AS total_measurements,
        COUNT(DISTINCT r.prb_id) AS number_atlas_probes
        atlas r
        probes p
        r.prb_id =
        r.rdata ~ 'b[0-9]-[A-Za-z]{3}' AND r.rdata IS NOT NULL
        avg_rt DESC;

│ country_code │       avg_rt       │ total_measurements │ number_atlas_probes │
│   varchar    │       double       │       int64        │        int64        │
│ VU           │           325.6395 │                  4 │                   1 │
│ NC           │ 290.83149999999995 │                 16 │                   4 │
│ KI           │ 272.45685714285713 │                  7 │                   2 │
│ MM           │          263.70525 │                  4 │                   1 │
│ NP           │ 247.75570454545456 │                 44 │                  12 │
│ PK           │ 225.83114285714288 │                  7 │                   2 │
│ CI           │            210.426 │                  1 │                   1 │
│ MW           │         207.539875 │                  8 │                   2 │
│ GQ           │          206.79975 │                  4 │                   1 │
│ CD           │  203.2782857142857 │                 14 │                   4 │
│ ·            │          ·         │                  · │                   · │
│ ·            │          ·         │                  · │                   · │
│ ·            │          ·         │                  · │                   · │
│ GB           │ 24.116230922693237 │               2005 │                 532 │
│ DK           │ 23.834773269689745 │                419 │                 111 │
│ CH           │ 22.044400519031118 │               1156 │                 310 │
│ LI           │ 20.944277777777774 │                 18 │                   5 │
│ DE           │  20.81939130434787 │               6003 │                1636 │
│ GG           │             19.163 │                  4 │                   1 │
│ BE           │ 16.389434494195683 │                603 │                 161 │
│ LU           │ 13.248532467532467 │                154 │                  41 │
│ NL           │ 12.010846872082148 │               2142 │                 575 │
│ NULL         │             5.9505 │                  4 │                   1 │
│ 176 rows (20 shown)                                                4 columns │
# now, let's do the same for pandas

# Merge DataFrames on prb_id and id
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df_prb, left_on='prb_id', right_on='id')

# Filter rows where rdata matches the pattern bX-ABC and is not None
filtered_df = merged_df[merged_df['rdata'].notna() & merged_df['rdata'].str.match(r'b[0-9]-[A-Za-z]{3}')]

# Group by country_code and calculate the required metrics
result = filtered_df.groupby('country_code').agg(
    avg_rt=('rt', 'mean'),
    total_measurements=('rt', 'size'),
    number_atlas_probes=('prb_id', 'nunique')

# Sort by avg_rt descending
result = result.sort_values(by='avg_rt', ascending=False)

country_code      avg_rt  total_measurements  number_atlas_probes
171           VU  325.639500                   4                    1
115           NC  290.831500                  16                    4
82            KI  272.456857                   7                    2
104           MM  263.705250                   4                    1
120           NP  247.755705                  44                   12
..           ...         ...                 ...                  ...
40            DE   20.819391                6003                 1636
55            GG   19.163000                   4                    1
14            BE   16.389434                 603                  161
95            LU   13.248532                 154                   41
118           NL   12.010847                2142                  575

[175 rows x 4 columns]

Again, I just prefer to write SQL to do these sort of queries and complex queries.

Sanity check

#sanity check

print("results pandas" )

        AVG(r.rt) AS avg_rt,
        COUNT(r.rt) AS total_measurements,
        COUNT(DISTINCT r.prb_id) AS number_atlas_probes
        atlas r
        probes p
        r.prb_id =
        r.rdata ~ 'b[0-9]-[A-Za-z]{3}' AND r.rdata IS NOT NULL
        p.country_code = 'ES'
        avg_rt DESC;

print("results duckdb")
results pandas
country_code    avg_rt  total_measurements  number_atlas_probes
          ES 42.226138                 836                  222
results duckdb
country_code    avg_rt  total_measurements  number_atlas_probes
          ES 42.226138                 836                  222
#1. You can export your sql results to Dataframes and carry on

res = con.sql('''
        AVG(r.rt) AS avg_rt,
        COUNT(r.rt) AS total_measurements,
        COUNT(DISTINCT r.prb_id) AS number_atlas_probes
        atlas r
        probes p
        r.prb_id =
        r.rdata ~ 'b[0-9]-[A-Za-z]{3}' AND r.rdata IS NOT NULL
        avg_rt DESC;


country_code      avg_rt  total_measurements  number_atlas_probes
0             VU  325.639500                   4                    1
1             NC  290.831500                  16                    4
2             KI  272.456857                   7                    2
3             MM  263.705250                   4                    1
4             NP  247.755705                  44                   12
..           ...         ...                 ...                  ...
171           GG   19.163000                   4                    1
172           BE   16.389434                 603                  161
173           LU   13.248532                 154                   41
174           NL   12.010847                2142                  575
175         None    5.950500                   4                    1

[176 rows x 4 columns]
# extra 2, some nice visualizations
# let's make a world map, heatmap

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

Now download some files to make some world map:

  1. Go to
  2. Download Admin 0 – Countries
  3. Extract all files somewhere (I did /tmp/ for this post)

DuckDB with Geodata

For the geodata you can check out this extension: Also, there are a lot of materials online about handling geodata with DuckDB.

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib import colors

# Load world map data from the downloaded shapefile
world = gpd.read_file("/tmp/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp")  # Update this path

# Set the parameters to use Type 1 fonts
plt.rcParams['ps.useafm'] = True
plt.rcParams['pdf.use14corefonts'] = True
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42  
plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = True
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})

# Merge the world GeoDataFrame with your DataFrame
world = world.merge(test_df, how="left", left_on="ISO_A2_EH", right_on="country_code")

# Create a new column for avg_rt values
world['avg_rt'] = world['avg_rt'].fillna(float('nan'))  # Explicitly keep NaN for countries without data

# Define the legend labels (bins)
legend_labels = [0, 10, 30, 50, 80, 100, 150, 500]  # Include 0 to handle cases without data

# Define intervals for the color mapping
world['legend_intervals'] = pd.cut(world['avg_rt'], bins=legend_labels, include_lowest=True, labels=False)

# Set colors for regions with no data
# We'll use a separate color for NaN values (e.g., light grey)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdYlGn_r', len(legend_labels) - 1)
cmap.set_under('lightgrey')  # Set a color for regions with no data

# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 10))
world.boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=1)

# Plot the world map with the data, setting NaN to be transparent
world.plot(column='legend_intervals', cmap=cmap, linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8', 
           missing_kwds={"color": "lightgrey", "label": "No Data"})

# Create a new axes for the color bar
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.2)

# Create a custom color bar
norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(legend_labels, cmap.N)
sm =, norm=norm)

# Remove the coordinates from the axes

# Add the custom color bar
fig.colorbar(sm, ticks=legend_labels, orientation='vertical', shrink=0.3, cax=cax)

# Color the oceans in light blue

# Optionally color the boundaries again if needed
world.boundary.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=0.5, color='black')

plt.title('Avg RTT (ms) to B-Root From Ripe Atlas Probes (2024-10-27 10:30:00 -- 11:00:00 UTC)\n[Countries in gray have no data]',
          loc='center',fontsize=20, fontweight='bold', x=-15.8)
#now some graph sanity check

cc=['BR', 'US', 'ZA', 'JP', 'RU', 'AU', 'IN', 'NL', 'CL']
print('test_df country_code, test_df avg_rt, world ISO_A2_EH, world avg_rt')
for k in cc:
test_df country_code, test_df avg_rt, world ISO_A2_EH, world avg_rt
BR 129.26810119047633 BR 129.26810119047633
US 44.494604962139476 US 44.494604962139476
ZA 175.8397155425219 ZA 175.8397155425219
JP 89.54156737588649 JP 89.54156737588649
RU 70.50730801435407 RU 70.50730801435407
AU 180.4477780548629 AU 180.4477780548629
IN 115.01301185770751 IN 115.01301185770751
NL 12.010846872082148 NL 12.010846872082148
CL 34.110152263374495 CL 34.110152263374495


  • There's an alternative to dataframe language.
  • DuckDB enables you to write clear SQL.
  • We have shown an alternative engine for analysis for improved clarity.

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About the author

Giovane Moura Based in Arnhem, The Netherlands

Giovane is a Data Scientist with SIDN Labs (.nl registry) and a Assistant Professor at TU Delft, in the Netherlands. He works on security and Internet measurements research projects. You can reach him at

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