
Arnold Dechamps

Based in Brussels




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About the author

Network Engineer of possible. I do things with stuff. Generally curious about tech and things that tend to turn into very deep rabit holes, I like to understand how things work and I try to break them. That way I can understand problems and correct them before someone exploits them. You can find me somewhere between a datacenter and a hacker event ;-)

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A Dive Into TLD Performance

A Dive Into TLD Performance

8 min read

DNS is a complex set of protocols with a long history. Some TLD's go as far back as 1985 - but not all of them are built equal. And not all of them have the same performance depending on where the end user is situated in the world. So just how different are they?

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The State of Reverse DNS

The State of Reverse DNS

7 min read

Most people know DNS for the part that resolves a domain name to an IP address. Reverse DNS, as the name suggests, works the other way around, and is generally less talked about. The question is, when people do implement reverse DNS, are they taking steps to keep it secure?

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